Nicholas R Lisle

Accomplished finance professional of 33 years standing having previously been a qualified corporate financial adviser of 10 years, before founding Broughton 22 years ago. He sits on the board of 2 holding companies with property assets as well as a devco with interests in Africa and Brazil. Widely experienced in international development finance.

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Brett Jeffries-Shaw

Proficient investment banker of 30 years international experience. Previous roles with JP Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, ABN Amro, Bear Stearns as Managing Director & Deputy Head Private Placements, RBC Capital Markets as Managing Director & Co-Head of Structured Bond Solutions and Oppenheimer Investments.

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Gerald Carter

With decades of experience in working on project finance assessments in London Gerald brings a wealth of knowledge in this space.

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Raymond Parent

Very experienced talented bilingual corporate finance officer with wide experience gained over 39 years in international markets. Previously held roles with RBC as Managing Partner International Sales, and Royal Trust International amongst others.

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